Monday, November 22, 2010

Shellac Update

It has been a little over two weeks since I got my first Shellac manicure (If you missed the post about my experience and Shellac background click here: Fab-YOU-lous: CND Shellac Hybrid Nail Polish)
I am so excited to report to all of my fabulous fashionista followers the overwhelming amount of success that I personally had with Shellac. I could not be any more pleased with how it lasted. 
As you can see in the photos throughout this post (all of which were taken two weeks after I had my Shellac manicure) there was not a single chip or smudge on any of my nails! 
The only small issue/problem with Shellac is actually due to it lasting so long! As my nails grew out, the nail polish naturally did not meet the bottom of my nail bed anymore. As time goes on and your nails grow, the gap between your nail bed and the polish line gets larger. However, for me, this was not as big of an issue since I got the French finish with my Shellac. You could not really see this line unless you looked closely, but if you had a darker color like red or brown, I would imagine this gap to be much more prominent.
Overall, I could not be happier with my $35 investment in a Shellac manicure. I did not have one single chip for two whole weeks, which is FABULOUS in my opinion! I look forward to definitely getting another Shellac manicure in the near future. 

Have you tried Shellac?? Let me know what you thought in a comment on this post! 

Stay Fabulous xoxo
~Miss Glamour Girl


  1. I love Shellac too, Annie! I actually got a Shellac manicure after your recommendation in the first blog about it, and I'm in LOVEEE! This blog is great and full of so many awesome tips. I always look forward to the next one! xoxoxo, Jac

  2. I too am a shellac fan. When the gap between my nail bed and the polish line grows, I use a regular clear polish over the whole nail to make it all shiny (for the french manicure). When I have color finish, I polish my nails with a color and it doesn't chip. The gap then is not as obvious. Also, if there is ridge, I use a filing block to smooth the transition from gel to nail.

  3. Is there a secret to maintaining the manicure? I did not have Shellac (that is my next try on my manicure next week) but had OPI gel 2 weeks ago and I am having lots of separation of the polish from the edges and on the sides, causing it to lift and then break off. I use rubber gloves when doing dishes or cleaning and use cuticle cream nightly.
