I first heard of Shoedazzle, the monthly shoe society, through media press by Kim Kardashian, the celebrity founder of this innovative business. Being a fashion interested college business student, I found the idea of having a monthly shoe club an extremely interesting business idea. I waited a while to sign-up, but eventually caved in and decided to give it a try.
This is how it works: You fill out a style profile online, which asks you about your favorite brands, shoe styles, colors, celebrity styles, etc. After this style questionnaire is completed you must supply your credit card number to Shoedazzle**. You then receive a selection of 5 pairs of shoes on the first of every month in your personal Shoedazzle shoe showroom. These shoes are "hand-picked" by the fashion shoe stylists based on your own personal style profile quiz answers. From there you can either choose one pair of shoes from your showroom to purchase and get sent to you, request 5 new picks, or opt to skip the month (and not be charged).
The shoes are of decent quality, but for the $39.95 price tag you know you aren't getting a pair of Manolo's so you can accept/expect the quality. However, the shoes do look very chic, fashionable, and trendy. For something so trendy, I much prefer to buy a cheap shoe, wear it a few times, and be done with it- which works perfectly with Shoedazzle. The only thing that I can say negative about Shoedazzle is that many of the shoes that they offer have been found on other websites for cheaper prices (under $20). But at the same time, many shoes offered are "Shoedazzle exclusives", and others are found for more expensive prices on other websites (over $60).
I have received a pair of shoes every month since I signed up in September of 2009, and I am a very satisfied and happy customer with this shoe society. I get so excited every first of the month to see the personalized shoe picks that I receive, and it really is fun! Overall, I think Shoedazzle is a great business idea that offers a great product at a very reasonable price. This is perfect for any girl who, like me, loves her shoes!
**They will NOT charge you until you have decided to purchase a pair, you always have the option to skip the month. Your credit card will just be kept on file for when you do decide to purchase, but you can not receive any personalized shoe selections until you supply your credit card number.
Verdict= Love it (4/5 stars)
You can sign up by clicking this link: http://www.shoedazzle.com/invite/129q79e2gx
Monthly membership fee: $39.95 per month
I am a long time reader, first time commenter. I just have one question. How do you stay so fabulous everyday? What is your secret GLAMOURGIIRL?!